THE FOUR AGREEMENTS - Don’t Make Assumptions

In the vibrant tapestry of yoga philosophy, the principle of not making assumptions, as delineated in Don Miguel Ruiz's "The Four Agreements," serves as a guiding light for practitioners seeking deeper connection and understanding. This agreement encourages us to find the courage to ask questions and express our true desires, exploring clear communication and harmony within ourselves and others.

At Bhav yoga studio, we recognise the profound impact of cultivating clarity through non-assumption in both our personal practice and interactions with others. By approaching each moment with a beginner's mind, free from preconceived notions and judgments, we create space for genuine connection and authentic expression.

Non-assumption invites us to listen deeply to ourselves and others, without imposing our own interpretations or expectations. In doing so, we cultivate empathy, compassion, and understanding, laying the foundation for meaningful relationships and shared experiences.

In the practice of yoga, non-assumption is embodied in the art of mindfulness. By bringing awareness to our thoughts, emotions, and sensations without labeling or categorising them, we develop a greater sense of clarity and presence. This clarity allows us to respond to life's challenges with wisdom and grace, rather than reacting from a place of unconscious bias or assumption.

Clear communication is essential in curating a supportive and inclusive yoga community. By practicing non-assumption, we create an environment where individuals feel safe to express themselves authentically, free from fear of judgement or misunderstanding. We're definitely proud of the range of characters that feel safe to practice at Bhav. This open exchange of ideas and perspectives enriches the collective experience, deepening our connection to ourselves and each other.

As we continue on our yoga journey, let us embrace the practice of non-assumption as a pathway to greater clarity, understanding, and harmony. By approaching each interaction with curiosity and openness, we create space for transformation and growth, both on and off the mat. Together, let us cultivate a community grounded in the principles of compassion, acceptance, and authentic connection.




THE FOUR AGREEMENTS - Don’t Take Anything Personally