MOON - The Lunar Path

Welcome to Bhav Studio in Cronulla, a sanctuary where the ancient art of yoga is interwoven with modern insights and understanding. In this exploration, we delve deep into the realms of the mind and a spectrum of spiritual and physical concepts that shape not only our practice but also our approach to life.

We believe yoga transcends physical postures; it is a journey inward, a quest for mental serenity and clarity. Our Moon Style classes are designed to focus on stilling the mind. We embrace techniques of meditation and non-reactivity to foster a state of calmness. Here, the hustle of everyday life gives way to an inner peace that is both profound and transformative.

Balancing Energy: Ida Nadi and Yin Yoga

In the nuanced world of yoga, understanding Ida Nadi is crucial. This energy channel, associated with the moon's cooling energy, is essential for achieving balance and tranquillity, cooling and calming. Ways we’re able to tap into this is through a practice called Chandra Bhedana Where you breathe in through the left nostril and out of the right. 

At Bhav, our Yin Yoga Classes are specifically tailored to harmonise Ida Nadi. As you engage in longer-held poses, you're not just nurturing your body but also cultivating steadiness and calmness in your mind. As a whole the practice is about letting go rather than engaging and contracting.

Physical and Mental Harmony: The Parasympathetic Nervous System

The influence of yoga extends well beyond the mat – it profoundly impacts our Parasympathetic Nervous System, the part of our body that governs rest and relaxation. Techniques like longer exhales and belly breaths help with this. 

Mula Bhandha (root lock) when held briefly at the end of the out breath becomes this steady anchor for the mind. Short breath retentions at the bottom end gives us deeper access to the mind. These powerful tools help to combat stress and anxiety, inducing a state of deep relaxation and holistic well-being.

Enhancing Mental Acuity: Focus and Concentration through Yoga

In a world brimming with distractions, yoga offers a sanctuary for focus and concentration. At Bhav, we emphasise the importance of discipline and perseverance in our practice. Our sessions are designed to enhance your mental concentration, aiding in the journey towards achieving both your immediate goals and long-term aspirations.

The Art of Meditation: Stilling the Mind for Pure Awareness

Meditation, an integral aspect of our practice at Bhav, transcends mere relaxation. It's about stilling the mind, navigating through the tumultuous waters of thoughts, and emerging into a state of pure awareness. We will always come to sit at the end of the Hatha Classes with a complimentary meditation practice.

Buddha’s Wisdom: From Suffering to Peace

The teachings of Buddha, particularly the transition from suffering to peace, are a cornerstone of our philosophy at Bhav. We integrate these profound teachings into our yoga practices, guiding you on a transformative path from the struggles of the mind and body to a state of serenity and enlightenment.

Our journey at Bhav Studio in Cronulla is an open invitation to explore the depth and breadth of yoga. We welcome you to join us in this exploration, to delve into the realms of the mind, through Moon Style Practices and Yin Yoga. As Buddha says: It's more than a practice; it's a transformation.

At Bhav Studio, each session is a step toward tranquillity, clarity, and self-discovery. We invite you to experience the true essence of yoga, right here in the heart of Cronulla. Join us on this journey of discovery, where every breath and movement brings you closer to your true self. 


SUN - The solar Path


Udana Vayu: The Journey of Ascending Air